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اعداد معلم التربية الخاصة

 preparin spécial éducation    teacher   Teachers working in the field of special education are committed to developing the educational capabilities and living conditions of people with special needs to the maximum. Teachers working in the field of special education are committed to achieving a high level of professional competence and integration in their professional practice Contributing teachers working in the field of special education. On behalf of people with disabilities, their families, co-workers, and students Teachers working in special education are keen to advocate for people with special needs That teachers working in the field of special education do not engage in unethical or illegal practices and do not violate agreed professional standards That teachers working in the field of special education work in accordance with the standards and policies of their profession Conditions that must be met by a teacher with special  needs: 1- The ability to o...

التعلم ونظرياته

مفهوم التعلم. إنه نشاط يكتسب من خلاله الفرد المعرفة والمهارات والمواقف التي يلبي من خلالها احتياجاته ودوافعه    شروط وأحكام التعلم: 1- النضج والتدريب: إن تعلم لغة ، على سبيل المثال ، لدى الإنسان يعتمد على مدى تدريبه فيها ، لأن نضج أجهزته الصوتية لا يكفي وحده لتعلم لغة. 2- الدافع: لا يمكنك التعلم بدون الدافع 3- موضوع التعلم: إنه موضوع التعلم الذي يمكن أن يتخذ أشكالًا متعددة (تعلم الأفكار والمواقف والمهارات). 4- وضع التعلم: يشمل سياق العام الذي يتم فيه التعلم

حقوق المصطفى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

The rights of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in Islam: 1-And following the Prophet is a true proof of belief in him, so whoever does not follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of God is a liar in the claim of faith          2- His love: Any person who does not love the Messenger is not a believer, and the greatest love for a believer to love the Messenger of God is greater than his love for himself   3- Publication of his invitation: It is from loyalty to the Messenger of God that we spread Islam and spread the call to all parts of the earth 4-  God has commanded the believers to send blessings upon the Prophet, so it is unreasonable for a Muslim to hear the name of the Messenger of God and not pray for him 5- His victory: Long live Umita, as in his lifetime, the companions of a prophet performed this task well As for after the death of the Prophet, then he will have believers in him who are his supporters of his Sunnah if it is subjected to the...

الارشاد النفسي

It is one of the branches of psychology carried out by the psychological counselor in line with the requirements of physiological and social development, directed either to a child, adolescent or adult,  Children's problems: 1- Conduct disorder, including aggression, lying and theft 2- Mental disorder, including anxiety and hysteria 3- A developmental disorder including autism 4- A nervous disorder such as epilepsy 5Various disorders such as loss of appetite and interrupted sleep 6- Learning disorder such as learning difficulties 7- Stuttering and speech disorder Psychological counseling goals: developmental goal: Which includes the elements of growth and includes all aspects of the developmental personality Preventive goal: It includes preventing the occurrence of the disorder by eliminating the behaviors that lead to a problem by detecting the disorder, and this is one of the first stages of the problem Therapeutic goal: It is based on treating the disorders and behavioral proble...


  Drugs definition : It is a chemical that causes unconsciousness accompanied by sedation, causes addiction and poses a threat to the health of the individual and society, and its circulation without a license is prohibited. Kinds of drugs 1- Natural drugs: It is of plant origin and is used directly orally in its original form Example: marijuana and opium 2- Synthetic drugs: It is extracted from natural materials and some chemicals are added to it to make it more effective Example: heroin and cocaine Causes and factors of drug abuse: 1- The character is there normal personality together anxious personality psychic personality Mentally ill person 2- Weakness of religious faith 3- family problems 4- Unemployment spread 5- The easy availability of drugs in societies 6- The media 7- Blind imitation of others Adolescence and drugs Drugs have become a problem facing the world, so many countries in the world have raised awareness of their dangers through numerous media campaigns in school...

فيروس كورونا الفيروس القاتل

It is a group of viruses that attack the respiratory system and is the most dangerous virus known to mankind Appearance date: December 2019 The discoverer of the disease: Chinese doctor Li Wenliang in Wuhan He is the first man who tried to stop a pandemic Virus symptoms: 1- high temperature 2- Extreme tiredness 3- Pain in the joints 4- Difficulty breathing and chest pain 5- Severe diarrhea 6- Loss of sense of smell and taste 7- Cough Countries most affected by the virus. America 34,421.402 India. 30.821.028 Brazil. 17.704.041 France. 5,749,691 Turkey. 5.354.153 Russia. 5.281.309 Britain. 4.610.893 Italy. 4.250.902 Spain 3.753.228 Germany. 3.727.873 Iran 3,080,526 Poland 2,878,466 Indonesia 1.963.266 Corona Virus Ingredients: 1- protein coat 2- RNA genetic material 3- greasy cover 4- Thistles Glycoprotein It is transmitted through the air through the mouth and nose, infecting the lungs Corona virus mutation: Corona virus is extracted from genetic material RNA The first thing the virus d...

سمات ومشاكل التي يعاني منها المراهق

 Teenage features Adolescent behavior differs between childish and adult behaviors. In most cases, we find him quickly adapting to social principles, and sometimes we find him opposed to prove his existence. The stage of adolescence is characterized by rapid growth in all aspects of mental, emotional and social aspects, if the adolescent hardly reaches the age of puberty until the various manifestations of growth appear in him. Problems and challenges faced by teenagers: The adolescent suffers from the presence of several internal conflicts, including a conflict of independence from the family and self-reliance, a conflict between the requirements of manhood and femininity, and a conflict between ambitions and social principles. The adolescent suffers from the parents' lack of understanding of the difficulty of this stage, which shows the behavior of rebellion, stubbornness, intolerance and aggression The adolescent suffers from fear and introversion, so excessive pampering or exce...


   The word teen is derived from the act of the Latin Adolescent and its staging towards mental, sexual and effective maturity           It is limited to physiological and sexual development when the individual becomes able to reproduce and maintain a breed It   is a stage that begins and ends with guidance   In adolescence is not a short life   in terms of education: starting from secondary stage   Psychologically It is the most delicate. stage that a person passes .                            The stages of adolescence     Early stage (11-15) This stage is characterized by multiple disorders, where the adolescent feels psychological instability, anxiety and tension and tries to get rid of all kinds of restrictions, control and symbols of authority such as manners in the family and the teacher in school Middle School (...