سمات ومشاكل التي يعاني منها المراهق

 Teenage features

Adolescent behavior differs between childish and adult behaviors. In most cases, we find him quickly adapting to social principles, and sometimes we find him opposed to prove his existence.
The stage of adolescence is characterized by rapid growth in all aspects of mental, emotional and social aspects, if the adolescent hardly reaches the age of puberty until the various manifestations of growth appear in him.

Problems and challenges faced by teenagers:

The adolescent suffers from the presence of several internal conflicts, including a conflict of independence from the family and self-reliance, a conflict between the requirements of manhood and femininity, and a conflict between ambitions and social principles.
The adolescent suffers from the parents' lack of understanding of the difficulty of this stage, which shows the behavior of rebellion, stubbornness, intolerance and aggression
The adolescent suffers from fear and introversion, so excessive pampering or excessive cruelty leads an adolescent to rely on others to solve his problems, and thus this leads to fear,  and introversion

Important teenage needs:

Appreciation need:

Adolescents urgently need to gain social recognition and social status

Need for guidance and direction:

A teenager carries an active thought, enthusiasm and vitality to the extent that enables him to make decisions that may be dangerous or fateful decisions, but in return he suffers from a severe lack of experience and expertise, so he needs guidance and direction

The need for a sense of security, stability and reassurance:

It is one of the necessities of life for any individual in society and at any age. The individual’s sense of security always pushes him to work to improve his social and economic situation. What is meant by security here is the state of stability in all its psychological, social, economic, intellectual and other forms.


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